Tag: personal growth

  • La forma de ver las cosas

    La forma de ver las cosas


    La dieta no es para enflacar, la dieta es tu forma de comer todos los días, puede ser saludable o no pero no te pones a dieta, tu dieta es algo constante.


    Lo que hace que el libre mercado se distorsione no son los empresarios millonarios, es la gente que no aprovecha la libertad para renunciar si las cosas no le gustan. Si el talento renuncia, el empresario cambiará sus prácticas porque su objetivo es hacer dinero.

    Las empresas no te dan trabajo, tu les das tu servicio a cambio de un pago justo, valora tu servicio, entre mejor lo hagas más caro serás y más gente querrá tenerlo.

    Como emprendedor, los inversionistas no te dan dinero, ese es su trabajo, tu eres quien les da la oportunidad de entrar a tu negocio.


    La pareja con la que decides hacer tu familia es hasta el 80% de tu felicidad. Lo mismo cuando empiezas una empresa con un socio, asegúrate de que sea una persona con la que compartes valores y costumbres similares.

    La familia es un equipo, una vez que decides tener hijos el objetivo del equipo debe ser cuidar y asegurar el desarrollo de esos hijos. Para hacer esto se necesitan 2 cosas, tiempo con ellos y recursos económicos. El equipo divide esas tareas, y no me refiero a el hombre trabaja y la mujer cuida a los niños, cada equipo se organiza como quiere. Creo que la paternidad/maternidad es la responsabilidad más importante y últimamente se le ha quitado relevancia, lo que hace que la gente no se sienta satisfecha y productiva al hacerlo.

  • I found the formula for my happiness and you may not like it, but I don’t care

    I found the formula for my happiness and you may not like it, but I don’t care

    I consider myself a young man with still so much to learn about life. In my 35 years of age I just managed to start a company, make good friends and most important form a family with my wife and two daughters. Never planted a tree and haven’t written a book.

    Those three things didn’t come easy, struggles to get things going at the company, fights and distance with friends and one or two (or a thousand) arguments with mi wife and a lot of sleepless nights singing nursery songs made my life miserable (according to social standards of how happiness should be, all found on social media) but I just realized that all those difficult moments translate into happiness, well the acceptance of those moments. Let me explain.

    Once I realized that not all companies grow to hundreds of employees and millions in billing on a couple of years, I was happy with the accomplishments of my own company. I stopped measuring things against others and just accept what I had done. This has nothing to do with conformity, on the contrary, I want to keep growing but I accept my accomplishments and failures as my own.

    Between work and family I haven’t dedicate a lot of time to friends but now I understand that good friends are not the ones you talk to everyday but the ones you talk to after months and they support you no matter what and you are ready to help them whenever they call. I can say I have some of those.

    Marriage is hard, very hard. There is compromising and getting used to your partners obsessions and it can be a constant struggle but the moment you realize that your anger and frustration is only your responsibility you can take a step back and re evaluate a lot of things and just accept them. You can´t change them and that is fine, you should just focus on the things that are in your control, this is not easy but little by little I’m learning to let go.

    In conclusion, for me ACCEPTANCE = HAPPINES. The more I accept the decisions I make and focus on the present without worrying much about the past or the future I feel happy, I feel complete.

    I hope that in a couple of years I read this I find out that I was wrong because that would mean I’m still trying to be a better person, for me, for my family and for the people around me.