Category: Ideas

  • Perspective and impact

    Perspective and impact

    Life can be better if we have a clear perspective of whats important in life, of how our actions positively impact our lives and the lives of others.

    If we have the opportunity to do two things: 1) Go on Twitter and fight about left or right, Real Madrid or Barcelona, catholic or muslim, etc. Or 2) Spend that time working on a passion project, spending time with family and friends, taking a walk on the park, etc. Why does it feel that everyone chooses the first one? Do we not see that doing that has absolutely no positive impact in the world, we are not making our existence matter. We are just giving ourselves this fake sense of importance.

    I’m not saying don’t go to social media, just understand that the time you spend there could have a more positive impact in our life if we stopped talking and started doing.

  • Be nice to other people and get your Karma credit

    Be nice to other people and get your Karma credit

    John Lennon talks about Instant Karma, that should apply to everything in life. If you are nice to people they will be nice to you.

    If you are nice to a client, the client will be nice to you. If you are nice to to the guy next to you in traffic, he will be nice to you.

    Just remember:

    Instant Karma’s gonna get you
    Gonna knock you right on the head
    You better get yourself together
    Pretty soon you’re gonna be dead

  • Assume your responsibility

    Assume your responsibility

    • It’s not Facebook’s fault if you believe every piece of bullshit you read.
    • It’s not Lime’s fault if you fell of the scooter and break an ankle.
    • It is not the fault of any company if you can’t assume responsibility for you actions.
    • It is not the fault of any person if the outcome is not what you expected.

    People keep trying to avoid responsibility in every aspect of their life. If you messed up, accept it. If your team misses a deadline because of you, you should no longer be part of the team.

  • Voltaire about god and everything we believe in

    Voltaire about god and everything we believe in

    There is no God, but don’t tell that to my servant, lest he murder me at night.